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New dataset added on 2024-07-28: 10.5524/100777 Supporting data for "Generation of a chromosome-scale genome assembly of the insect-repellent terpenoid-producing Lamiaceae species, Callicarpa americana"
New dataset added on 2024-07-28: 10.5524/100779 Supporting data for "Pyntacle: a parallel computing-enabled framework for large-scale network biology analysis"
New dataset added on 2024-07-24: 10.5524/100778 Supporting data for "Chromosome-level genome assembly of the female western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis)"
New dataset added on 2024-07-23: 10.5524/100774 Supporting data for "A haplotype-resolved, de novo genome assembly for the wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis) through trio binning"
New dataset added on 2024-07-23: 10.5524/100770 Supporting data for "Hi-C chromosome conformation capture sequencing of avian genomes using the BGISEQ-500 platform"
New dataset added on 2024-07-21: 10.5524/100776 Supporting data for "Long-read only assembly of Drechmeria coniospora genomes reveals widespread chromosome plasticity and illustrates the limitations of current nanopore methods."
New dataset added on 2024-07-21: 10.5524/100775 Supporting data for "ScanITD: detecting internal tandem duplication with robust variant allele frequency estimation"
New dataset added on 2024-07-20: 10.5524/100772 Supporting data for "Scientometric Trends for Coronaviruses and Other Emerging Viral Infections"
New dataset added on 2024-07-20: 10.5524/100771 Supporting data for "A hybrid pipeline for reconstruction and analysis of viral genomes at multi-organ level"
New dataset added on 2024-07-17: 10.5524/100661 Fish10K Pilot Project Data